Dream Aquarius
Aquarius: Man extracting money through deceit, it is felt that Laidlaw of a water well. It has water in his vessel, it contains money from cunning. The view that Evrgh in non vase, it was soon with water until it goes and go about its benefits. The orchard gave him to drink it infects by a woman and infects them injury. The hit resulted grove of them were born as seen from exactly that. But if the wells is feeling obsolete, including camels or people or beasts of the field, it works best for the business and Ocharfha from the mainland as far as his strength and his grandfather in it, which is like the shepherd who empties water from a well on his flock of camels and teas. It is felt that Laidlaw of obsolete wells and watering the animals, it mirrors to a religion or to a minimum as far as his strength on them. But he felt that Laidlaw especially for himself, he has done in the interests of the minimum amount of strength Aquarius tendency to worldly affairs private. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: I saw if I were on Kulaib take away the sheep of blacks, then took Abu Bakr Aquarius after disarming sins or Znobin, and removed the weakness and God forgive him, then took the bucket from beyond Omar ibn al-Khattab and mixer sheep flocks eggs Fasthalt Aquarius in his hand to the west, I did not see a genius of men livery Frick, son of the speech. And narrated that a man came to Ibn Abbas he said: I saw if I were a bucket into a well and filled two-thirds of Aquarius and remained third. He said: I left your family six months ago and your wife is pregnant and will give birth to a boy, you. He said: What is the evidence? He said: Well, because I have made a woman, and the Annunciation, which was in the pit was peace be upon him, I knew that boy, and the two-thirds of Aquarius Vsth months, and the remaining third of three months. He said: ratified been received her book that she was pregnant six months ago.
Dream Water
"Water: indicates that Islam and science, life and fertility and prosperity, because its life everything as God said:" "to Osagenahm water Gdakka to Naftnhm it". " And perhaps indicated by the sperm, because God called them water, and the Arabs are called water lots sperm, and demonstrates the money because it Akcesp him, it is drinking water tormented net from a well or tanker took part did not accommodate the end, he was sick woke from his illness and long life and did not rush to his death, though was not sick married if Azba to Tlzzh drink of water, and the descent of the above mentioned, though he was married and did not marry his family on the night he met with her and her zest. Although not a bit of it, sounder if an infidel, and received the note that was valid and science students, and only got our solver that was a merchant, but enters the water as spoil, Fidel on Hramh and sin, such as the drink of the role of the dhimmis, either aware of corrupt or poorly intercourse or malicious money. Though water Gueddar or bitter or Mentna it gets sick or spoil or Eetmrr earned a living or changing doctrine, every human being has the ability, and it deserves the place where you drink from it and the vase that was in it. As of carrying water in a pot, the money was a poor benefited, albeit Azba married, though he was married to his wife or his nation carried him, if he is the one who emptied the water in the pot, or his wife or servant of the cistern or a minister or a neighbor. The water flow in the houses and entry to the role there is nothing good in it, it was a year in people entered their affliction or fond or captivity or ill health or plagues, albeit in Dar specific looked at her, the where was the patient died, the people he went off to in the obituary crying and tears. As well as the Salt House in gutters or exploded as it eyes the eyes of tears on the patient's death, or when the traveler farewell, or evil and speculation among the occupants, Oblane solve its Oosultan disease. As well as the flow of water or stagnation meeting authorized the collection of people. And its neighbors in the plant premises authorized fruitful for, and the abundance and upheld on housing and the role of the eyes of the ground or Saolha scourge of God Almighty to the people of that place, either plague sweeping or CIF pesticide that destroyed his house and the sinking of the people, but was suffering from the Sultan or of a pandemic . The thought that he was given water in a glass, this indicates that the boy, and drinking water in a glass of net earned better than his son or his wife, because the glass of the essence of women and water Jenin. Some of them said: It felt like a drink of water Schena injury gm, the view that in the pure water cast secret of a surprise. And it was told that spring of water to the people of goodness and good grace, says: "" two eyes hold "." It is the people of righteousness calamity. The explosion of water from the wall sorrow of men like a brother or a friend, or smelting, it saw that the water burst out of the house, it comes out of all of the concerns, but did not come out of it are permanent. If that place is pure sadness in the health of the body. This is all in the eye as it were not going on, it was going on it is better for a neighbor on her alive and dead until the Day of Resurrection. Some said they saw he was in his house a spring of water running, she buys underway. If opinion whatsoever eyes exploded it receives money in scolding. The net price of water licenses and the extension of justice, he felt like drinking water much more than his habit of waking the old long. It was said that the safety of drinking water from the enemy and chew address toil and hardship of living. And the extension of the hand in the water turning money and dispose of it. The stagnant water is weaker than running water in every case, and was told that the imprisonment of stagnant water, it is felt that it fell into the stagnant water is in foreclosures and distressed, and brine gm, and either black if they were displaced from the well woman marry her there is no good in them. It was said that the vision of black water ruined the role, and drink go sight. Bilge water and live distemper, water virosa money is haram, yellow, water, disease, and Gore water isolate humiliation and demise of grace, says: "" Say Do you see that Maakm became Gora it comes to you a certain water "." The intense heat hot water if you used it felt like at night or during the day, was hit by the severity of the Sultan, and if used it felt like a night of gin injury scare. And water Chagrin indigestion and fatigue, illness and drink. And churn water in which money is no good. It is drinking water from the sea, a bung, stroke are the king. It felt like a look into pure water and saw his face in it as he sees it in the mirror, she receives a lot of good. The saw his face as well FaNH improves his household. Water poured spend money in the circumstances of the non-hub or dress the hollow guide, because he thinks that he has not made progress by. And ablution of the water did not hate, it was a net or Kadra, hot or cold after that it may be clean ablution, for ablution stronger in the interpretation of the water exits and disagreeing. And dislikes of eyes water chagrin not been. Walking above the water and the risk of ego, he came out of him spent his needs. It felt that in deep water and went down a lot in it did not reach its bottom, it affects many low and Atamol, and was told it is located in is a big man. And repentance wash cold water and recovering from illness, in and out of jail and spend a religion of fear and security. It felt like a drink water frequently tormented the length of life and good living, the drink from the sea received money from the king, and drinking from the river bestowed upon a man of the same in the men Like this river in the river, though motivated by a well struck money trick and cunning. It is felt that draws water and irrigates his orchard and fallow said money from the woman, the fruit orchard or planting Simbel hit from that woman money and a son, and watering the garden and planting Mjamah his wife. And water in a glass mug was born, the broken mug and left water mother died and left the boy, but the water went and stayed mug boy died and the mother remained. Ibn Sirin was asked about a woman who felt her she irrigate the water, he said: Taatq to God this woman does not seek among the people of lying. The man came and said: I saw if I drink from busting my dress Water savory cold, he said: Fear God and Taklon woman who can not replace you, he said, but a woman betrothed to myself. "Dream Searsear: The sea Fdal on all of his power over the creation, kings and sultans The tax collectors and the rulers, scientists, and Sadat and the lives of its strength and great danger, and took him and his tender, wealth and knowledge of its water, and directed his men or Solath or his arguments and his orders, and the thickness of his flock, and his men Orezagh and his money or accountability and judgment, and Dwabh his commanders and his aides and his disciples, and his ships Asakereh and dwellings and wives and Trustees and Tjarath and Hawwanath or written and Massahvh and doctrine. Perhaps Del sea on the world and the horrors of Taiz one and funded, and impoverish and kill another, and today is owned and kill him tomorrow, and pave the way to him today and Tsrah beyond. The ships markets and seasonality ongoing and her travels, sings some people and impoverish others. The winds livelihoods and Okabbalha and accidents and Toargaha and Osagamha, thick and livelihood, and nor the beasts thereof and Dwabh pests and Toargaha and kings and Sosa, and prompt concerns and Vtnea. Authority if it was in the summer and in the sea, or swim in science and mixes with the scientists, or expanding the money and trade as Rosary at sea and Aqtdarh on the water, the sinking of the case and did not die in drowning and injury Almighty or distress, sailing in what is in it, and drowned him as saying so and so in this world and drowned in bliss and knowledge and with the Sultan, the Shi died drowning mangle his religion and an evil intent in required, for the meeting of the generator and drowning. But if his income or swam in it in the winter and cold or while Artjajh, down by the scourge of the Sultan either prison or suffering, or bestowed disease and ascites damaging winds, or get in the deadly strife. The sinking at the time, was killed in Mahlth or mess up his religion in the strife. It took a hundred or drank was acquired by collecting money from the Sultan, like him, or gain from the lower toward him. It entered the sea from hitting its bottom solving or clay, stroke are the greatest king of the Sultan or that place. It is cut off sea or river to the other side and cut in whispers or terrifying fear him from it. Some of them said: Who saw the sea hit something had hoped, and saw that he fought the sea, it enters in the king's action and have him on tricked, the drink a whole one hundred It owns the minimum age for too long, and hit like a king money or such authority, or be the counterpart of his property. The drink until Roy him it receives from King Mala Atamol do with the length of his life and his strength, it drew him it sought from the King act and bestowed much as gleaned from them, they poured in a vase it earns a lot of money from the king or God gives him the state collects the money, and the state stronger, broader and Edom from the sea, because it is the gift of God. It is bathed from the sea, he atones for his sins and his main concern goes to King. One pal into the sea, it resides on the sins. He saw the sea from afar, it felt horrible, and told him about something hoped for. And see the sea calm is better than to be waves Amadtrbh.helm Searsear: In the interpretation of the majestic Sultan strong, and the sea's greatest Alonhar.helm lake "lake: shows with a woman who loves the left of the direct, because the lake and parked does not take place, a kill is not where you pay. Wave intensity and suffering, says: "" Gshehm waves Kzll "." He says: "" and if their Wave "." And narrated the merchant felt like walking into the sea blown severe panic to the prestige of the sea, began to tell his vision on the crossing. He said: If you want to travel, you infect the good. So that his vision indicates the stability of its affairs. And he saw a man who was sea water Gad until banks are made emerged. Vqsa the son of Masada said, to be a scourge on the floor by the caliph, or drought in countries, or robbed money caliph. What was only a small even kill the Caliph and looted money and Qahtt countries. It felt like a get out of Sea Pearl King benefited from money or ongoing or note. If he saw that the sea water or other water increased even exceeded the limit of the meaning of the tide even entered the role, houses and cottages, looked out at the people drowning, it is there is a great temptation. The origin of the water and are often the temptation, because God called primacy and abundance tyranny, and said that drowning indicates to commit a great calamity and show heresy, and death in the drowning death on blasphemy. The infidel if he deems it sank into the water, it believes, says: "" Even if he catches drowning he believed, "" verse. It felt like sinking into the sea and sank the Sultan destroy him. Felt like the sinking and make the dive time and floats back and move his hands and legs, it is obtained wealth and state. The saw out of him if he did not drown it due to religion is, especially if he saw the same green garments. It was of the view that died drowned in the water Kadh enemy and drowning in water healthAVI drowned in many money. As for swimming: it is felt that swim in the sea and was a world of science was in need, the mainland swam in it and locked up in his cell to obtain a tight and stay in it as difficult as swimming or ease, as far as his strength. The view that swim in a valley flat until the subject wants it enters in the work of an unjust ruler Jabbar ask him to spend his need and unable to him and entrust him to God as Jarayeh in the valley. The authority is afraid he feared it also survived, although it escapes him, and entered the depths of the sea and the best swim where it enters the great big order, mandate and be able to obtain the king and attributed the power. If it swam on the scruff of his neck repent and turn from sin. He swam is afraid lest it undermine or disease or imprisonment in so far beyond the mainland. Although he thought he did not escape from it, he dies in that carefree, though bold in Spahth it delivers from that work. Although Sultan saw that he wanted to swim in the sea and the sea turbulent router it is fighting a king of kings, the sea swim cut it killed the king. And all the sea or a river or valley dried it go from the state attributed to him, the state returned the water returned. It was if a person felt like had escaped from the water pool before his attention from his sleep is better than to heed a swim in the water. It was said of felt like a swim, contending with the opponent and defeated his opponent and insist on it. Walking above the water in a sea or river indicates good health of his religion and his belief, and was told it is certain that it is in doubt, and was told to travel books of the risk to the assigned. It felt as if the water on its surface is being hit by the scourge of Sultan function on hanging a man who not only has an estimated Bmlatefh, to its neighbors and authority. And idle it easier Mrama and is gentler, and demonstrates the Warrior cutter for the road, it was traveling cut it the way a thief or a lion, or his mind about his rain or Sultan or the owner of a toll. Though present-he fought his chagrin and calamity says: "" Mbtelicm River. "" The Sultan submit to it, especially if it entered. Either Asjnh or order to beat him or bestowed grief if he had bestowed upon him Almighty, or prevented from salvation from his movement, either disease is located from the cold or hydrocephalus, how if it was in the winter and had its water Kadra, he is most of all as evidenced by, The cut and Jaozh or out of him survived all that is in it of grief and sickness, and all as evidenced by the misfortunes and sorrows. He drew drank from the river, hit the money from a dangerous man Kkdr that river. It entered the river from hitting its bottom solving or clay, stroke are the same man as a case that the river in the rivers. It cut a river to the other side, two or terrifying or cut out of fear and handed him that was in it and resolve. "Dream Albaradhalbaradh: It is reported is a woman of high-Head useful with served Ktarh.helm Zeer Alberboukhazayr and epididymis: a man a firm may try Sultan, and if was the water in which it Waal, and if it is not where it is isolated. He narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin said, I saw if I drink from a lack of a tight head. He said the dream of running for Nevsha.helm in a vision Jerhsil Ibn Sirin man took a jar and the closer the strand and Odllagha in his hips, and when he filled the jar dissolved the rope and fell into the jar. He said: cord Charter, and the jar woman, and water affliction, and Alrkih cunning, this man who sent him the owner of his delivering it Fmkr man woman and married her. And I came to him last, he said: I saw a pitcher of water on the palms of the jar fell and broke and left the water. He said: your wife pregnant? He said yes. He said, they die and remains Alold.helm Alsoakielsoaki: Sakia indicate the course of a livelihood, place and caused, Kalhanot, industry and travel and so on. Perhaps indicated sores to supply it with water, they are preceded its course with orchards and possibly shown waterskins and irrigation, to carry the water, and it came to it. And perhaps it indicates a place of pilgrimage by traveling, travelers them like water for the functioning. Perhaps it showed character, because barmaid body. And possibly it is shown on the lives of creatures that were to the public, or the life of her head that was private. It saw legs carried water from outside the city to the inside in a groove pure water and people are ungrateful to God it or drink from its water and filling their vessels ones, see to them, the were in the epidemic evacuated them and supplied them with God to life, though they are in the severity of God came to them prosperous, either permanently by rain or the company of food, though not a bit of it finding the company of a lot of money to buy goods and Lakeside have the baggage, though discharged Gueddar or salty or out on the waterwheel is harmful to people, it ill serves the people and evil in them, either sickness in Kalzkam fever in the winter and in the summer, or news hated on travelers, or the spoils of haram money and malicious interference as far as the vision and Xiaodadtha. But the one who saw her going to his home or his shop, Vdliha return it in his own, as far as its water purity and good neighbors and moderation. It saw her going into his garden or Vdanh considered the situation, it was Azba married or bought going to marry, it was his wife or ongoing intercourse with her and carried him to drink his land or his orchard or grew poem, though he saw neighbors Hanaa other than being Runnels him, if It discharged the blood of his family to marry anyone else, either married to or after the band as much as in the case and increase his sleep. Some of them said: waterwheel that plugged one man does not sink in, it is a good life for those king, especially if the lack of water from the limited run its course in the ground, overflowed its banks left and right, it is they and sadness and crying for the people of that place, as well as if it were the waterwheel in through the role and the houses they a good life for people. Narrated that a man saw a barmaid filled fertilize and sweepings, was taking a shovel and clean the waterwheel and washed with water a lot, to be Jarayeh water in fast net, introduced to him that it has become tomorrow's has Ahtguen and easier nature. Pelvic: Man Sultan Sharif Nafa, a basin full of saw it gain the dignity attributed generous man. It does wudoo him it survives Hm.helm reel "reel: A man seeks Nafa believer in things people of the world and the things of religion, it is felt that it draws its water for ablutions done, she uses a man locked Moatasem religion of Allah Almighty, because the religion of the rope. It does wudoo and its light has been done, it is onlyAll worried and distressed and religion. It was Aquarius shows from attributed to the claim, and it Dllona him such and such, or begged it made a bucket into a well considered the case, the student was fuck fuck, was married to him and his covenant marriage, and Aquarius mentioned, and one hundred Ntefth and the well is his wife, and that he had carried Attah Gholam as in the verse: "" bucket with statements said, Bushra this boy. "" Otherwise stated benefit of travel or the demand, because the car and found peace be upon him while cast Dlohm Fsharoh and sold it at a profit and benefit, the poet said, and asked the living wishful ... but take a wedlock in buckets come filled out phase and phase ... come sludge-amended and a little water though Moustakfi bucket asking for science , was well teacher who draws him to his knowledge, and raised from the water it is his luck and his department and his inheritance. "dream big river" big river: mostly impenetrable man with Sultan, entering the Sultan to him and purity of water amended Sultan, and return the water to the behind the isolation of the Sultan, and the height of the water above amount altitude than that of Sultan above amount, the surface and ascension conquering sultan of his flock, and breach of Paljdhua beds for men, and go water food raid Sultan their money and gone mattresses Sabieh to their wives, and the drilling of the river injury of money as well as the water in it, as well as seeing the water the man in his garden Rizk is brought to him, He says: "" We lead the water to the barren land "." Van felt like occurred in the water and then came out of him, it is located in the grief and then come out of it. The saw like a bounce from the river to Shatta, it escapes from the evil Sultan and obtain Zfra enemies, says: "" When Jaozh is and those who believe with him. "" "Dream ship" ship: a function of all the Linge which indicates drowning him, because God Almighty survived by Noah, peace be upon him and those with him, which descended infidels from drowning and scourge. The show, which Islam by Linge of ignorance and sedition. And perhaps indicates that the current wife and barricaded Wenge out of the fire of sedition, because God called them underway. Perhaps showed father and the mother, who was with them to escape the death and the need, especially as the mother bearing her son in her womb. Perhaps indicated path which it escapes people of faith from the fire and possibly shown on the prison and carefree and horizontal bar if stagnated, the story Younis peace be upon him. It is felt that boarded a ship at sea, see to the state and the fate of his affairs, the infidel was the safest, especially if he ascended to the middle of the sea after it realized doom, though he is guilty, he repented of his sin. Albeit poor it sacked after a paragraph. Though patients woke up from his illness, only to have her knees with the dead and was in a vision confirms the death, so the ride escape mesmerized the world. Though Mviqa was a seeker of knowledge, accompanied by a scientist or benefited note survives him of ignorance, to ride with Moses, peace be upon him the Greens in the ship. If he saw that the mortgagor has spent his religion and still his main concern. Even saw it, and deprived him as a living. God came to him in terms of livelihood does not count, if they take place in Tarosha, Fidel on Wind profit, Taros turnout. If he deems it Azab, married woman or bought under way and makes them safeguarded. Although he saw the dead in the house right, he survived and won the mercy of God from the fire and its horrors. As well as in an inverted, if he saw of it in the sea like a resurrection has embarked on a path Oojazh, it survives in his ship and his path from the horror of his research and Hawwadth, only to be infected in a dream in its path from the fire ill, it is bestowed in the sea like so and so. If held Bmsjon escaped from prison and caused survived, but arrived at the coast or took to the mainland it was more urgent, faster and better. But if he saw the ship stagnant and Oswag sea storm, long prison if he is imprisoned and the long illness that he was sick, and he can not be living it and was unable to travel that tried it, and could not reach to his wife that he had held Asmtha, and after a request knowing that he was a student, especially if it was in the winter and concussion sea. This may indicate a prison, what happened on Younis peace be upon him from confinement in the belly of the whale while stood his ship. But the consequence of all that is designated to the good, God willing, and the survival of the essence of the vessel and provide them and where the survival of Noah, and the survival of the Greens, Moses peace be upon them, and the vessel escaped from the king angry, because the greens saliva and take off a sheet of panes, with good consequence Younis peace be upon him after the case, and it came down to it. Therefore Attpt said if the ship or opened up to the survivor of them, only to come out rider to land or do not seek the good in it. If the patients died and came to the dirt carried a lamb heinous, the damage was in the sea where, and perhaps broken boat for runoff in non course. But from his habit of vigilance if Btarosh pay to the mainland, broken and damaged. If a seeker of knowledge saw that his ship came ashore and walked by him, came out in his knowledge and Arguing to heresy or hypocrisy or immorality, because immorality is coming up for obedience, and the origin of the crop, injustice and prevent misplace, it is to ride the ship from the water that it survived a Asmtha , to the land which is not usual to conduct them, the rider also came out on the right and the old infallibility. If not then perhaps unkept in his wife and lives with them on their status, or perhaps a slave aged and lasts having intercourse with her king, or perhaps the industry Teixd and livelihood can not be attributable craves from where he should not. But if he took his ship into the air is water, all what is indicated by a noise, either Askar because of the service and the feathers and the kit, and either is installed from other Almarkobat, and indicate the coffin was sick of the sultans and rulers, scientists, presidents, and some of them said: It is felt that in a ship in the sea, inside a great king or sultan. Ship and escape the stress and worry and illness and imprisonment, for those who felt that its king. The view that it was in it, but survive it came out of her surviving were more urgent, it was where it is on dry land. Was the most carefree and survive beyond, the saw and the isolated he rode in a ship, it follows by mandate of the greatest king as far as the sea, and have jurisdiction over as much as the provisions of the ship and its capacity, after the ship from the mainland after the insulation. It was said that riding a ship at sea travel in the severity of the risk, and then from the mainland after the vulva. Though it is in the riding risky, she came out of her, it survives and disobey his Lord says: " 'When he delivered them to the mainland if they are associate partners." " If the owner of the vision have gone their own, or if the merchant has lost his business, the ship return it. The ship sank and attached them plank, the Sultan angers him if he is the ruler, then escapes and returns to the state. And that was a merchant, he decreases his money and compensated for, and sank it is like a drowning man. It is felt that in a ship in the middle of the sea, it will be in the hands of the feared, and have survived his death from the evil of the fear. And the sinking of his ship and differentiate panes misfortune to him the one who cherishes it. It was said that the sinking of the ship travel in safety, says: "" subjected to you the ark to take place in the sea by His command "." The safety of the ship loaded with people who he was in the book, says: "" We saved him and those with him in the laden ship. "" And take a paddle boat or injury flag Neil capital of the complaint. And took ship rope Hasanuddin and the company of the righteous is that Evargahm, says: "" The rope of God, not divided among yourselves. ' " And he narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin said, like I've seen in a black ship was left of them except the ropes. He said: You're a man was left of your religion, but sincerity, and cordage debt holders. "
Dream ship
"The ship: a function of all the Linge which indicates drowning him, because God Almighty survived by Noah, peace be upon him and those with him, which descended infidels from drowning and scourge. The show, which Islam by Linge of ignorance and sedition. And perhaps indicates that the current wife and barricaded Wenge out of the fire of sedition, because God called them underway. Perhaps showed father and the mother, who was with them to escape the death and the need, especially as the mother bearing her son in her womb. Perhaps indicated path which it escapes people of faith from the fire and possibly shown on the prison and carefree and horizontal bar if stagnated, the story Younis peace be upon him. It is felt that boarded a ship at sea, see to the state and the fate of his affairs, the infidel was the safest, especially if he ascended to the middle of the sea after it realized doom, though he is guilty, he repented of his sin. Albeit poor it sacked after a paragraph. Though patients woke up from his illness, only to have her knees with the dead and was in a vision confirms the death, so the ride escape mesmerized the world. Though Mviqa was a seeker of knowledge, accompanied by a scientist or benefited note survives him of ignorance, to ride with Moses, peace be upon him the Greens in the ship. If he saw that the mortgagor has spent his religion and still his main concern. Even saw it, and deprived him as a living. God came to him in terms of livelihood does not count, if they take place in Tarosha, Fidel on Wind profit, Taros turnout. If he deems it Azab, married woman or bought under way and makes them safeguarded. Although he saw the dead in the house right, he survived and won the mercy of God from the fire and its horrors. As well as in an inverted, if he saw of it in the sea like a resurrection has embarked on a path Oojazh, it survives in his ship and his path from the horror of his research and Hawwadth, only to be infected in a dream in its path from the fire ill, it is bestowed in the sea like so and so. If held Bmsjon escaped from prison and caused survived, but arrived at the coast or took to the mainland it was more urgent, faster and better. But if he saw the ship stagnant and Oswag sea storm, long prison if he is imprisoned and the long illness that he was sick, and he can not be living it and was unable to travel that tried it, and could not reach to his wife that he had held Asmtha, and after a request knowing that he was a student, especially if it was in the winter and concussion sea. This may indicate a prison, what happened on Younis peace be upon him from confinement in the belly of the whale while stood his ship. But the consequence of all that is designated to the good, God willing, and the survival of the essence of the vessel and provide them and where the survival of Noah, and the survival of the Greens, Moses peace be upon them, and the vessel escaped from the king angry, because the greens saliva and take off a sheet of panes, with good consequence Younis peace be upon him after the case, and it came down to it. Therefore Attpt said if the ship or opened up to the survivor of them, only to come out rider to land or do not seek the good in it. If the patients died and came to the dirt carried a lamb heinous, the damage was in the sea where, and perhaps broken boat for runoff in non course. But from his habit of vigilance if Btarosh pay to the mainland, broken and damaged. If a seeker of knowledge saw that his ship came ashore and walked by him, came out in his knowledge and Arguing to heresy or hypocrisy or immorality, because immorality is coming up for obedience, and the origin of the crop, injustice and prevent misplace, it is to ride the ship from the water that it survived a Asmtha , to the land which is not usual to conduct them, the rider also came out on the right and the old infallibility. If not then perhaps unkept in his wife and lives with them on their status, or perhaps a slave aged and lasts having intercourse with her king, or perhaps the industry Teixd and livelihood can not be attributable craves from where he should not. But if he took his ship into the air is water, all what is indicated by a noise, either Askar because of the service and the feathers and the kit, and either is installed from other Almarkobat, and indicate the coffin was sick of the sultans and rulers, scientists, presidents, and some of them said: It is felt that in a ship in the sea, inside a great king or sultan. Ship and escape the stress and worry and illness and imprisonment, for those who felt that its king. The view that it was in it, but survive it came out of her surviving were more urgent, it was where it is on dry land. Was the most carefree and survive beyond, the saw and the isolated he rode in a ship, it follows by mandate of the greatest king as far as the sea, and have jurisdiction over as much as the provisions of the ship and its capacity, after the ship from the mainland after the insulation. It was said that riding a ship at sea travel in the severity of the risk, and then from the mainland after the vulva. Though it is in the riding risky, she came out of her, it survives and disobey his Lord says: " 'When he delivered them to the mainland if they are associate partners." " If the owner of the vision have gone their own, or if the merchant has lost his business, the ship return it. The ship sank and attached them plank, the Sultan angers him if he is the ruler, then escapes and returns to the state. And that was a merchant, he decreases his money and compensated for, and sank it is like a drowning man. It is felt that in a ship in the middle of the sea, it will be in the hands of the feared, and have survived his death from the evil of the fear. And the sinking of his ship and differentiate panes misfortune to him the one who cherishes it. It was said that the sinking of the ship travel in safety, says: "" subjected to you the ark to take place in the sea by His command "." The safety of the ship loaded with people who he was in the book, says: "" We saved him and those with him in the laden ship. "" And take a paddle boat or injury flag Neil capital of the complaint. And took ship rope Hasanuddin and the company of the righteous is that Evargahm, says: "" The rope of God, not divided among yourselves. ' " And he narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin said, like I've seen in a black ship was left of them except the ropes. He said: You're a man was left of your religion, but sincerity, and cordage debt holders. "
Dream jar
Jar: Hire a hypocrite being on his hands and the money entrusted to him, drinking water, including money Halal and good living. It is felt that drinking half of its water has run out half his age, PThe drink less or more Vtooelh what is left, or run out of old, as well as in the rest of the pots to hatch it. The woman told the jar or server or slave, and may indicate whether the oil-filled or honey, or to the people of our world, and buried on the store and the bag and on the node and Badra less. As well as other pottery vessels from the cobs and Kallal and others conducted the course Jerh.helm Minister Almezar water: a love shows house values, and shows his warehouse and his shop and his wife bearing a hundred, and bagpipes function as Del Alih.helm Tigris Euphrates Alnildgelh: it is to drink its water it if the ministry receives from her family, and that affects the minister's capital. It is felt that drinking water from the Euphrates received the blessing and a benefit and a blessing. The saw that the water of the Euphrates has dried up, it dies caliph or his money goes, and perhaps interpretation signed the Minister of the caliph. It is a drink from the Nile River, it receives gold as much as drinking. It is believed that the water flooded the valley is not to drown in it, it is to fall ill g Ghalib. Although out of him survived the gloom, though human opinion whatsoever on the water of the river snatched or something Dwabh or luggage or goes by, it is harmful and losing him, the thought was going to his home river net water, it is indicated by the left of the purse, and is told that the rich man bug endure and benefit be for the people of the house. But if the river is out of his house and people drink it, it is that he is rich or a honor, it shows the good and the benefits are of it to the people of the country Ickramhm spent on them and comes home folk, many in need and obtain from it the benefit, though his vision is poor, it expels his wife or son or none of his house because of the weight or ugly act. The view that being home water del net to the left and Mal.helm Akhabahakhabah: the finest woman, drinking them money bestowed by it. He felt like he drew water and poured it in Khabah defraud and money deposited for a woman. The jar conducting the course Zar.helm Alguenouattalguenoat: Channel show house servant of what is happening in the dirt people and her family and possibly shown on the vulva land, especially ongoing in the streets and shops made for each of the foot on them and urinating where Qmartha, because the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him but I for outrageous Balqadhurh . And possibly shown on the vulva and sorrow, because Faraj HOUSEHOLD if held, and if the hum subsided or are blocked. He saw his home channel are blocked carried servant rebels, then she or his wife prevented him or herself, so Vahtam, or blocked it with his doctrines is his alertness in student, of livelihood or to marry or travel or opponents. This may indicate the inventory can not fall ill from the urine. The channel unknowns, it is Pal where blood or landed where and rouge Pmaiha and smudging Benjasthe, a woman came haram Bzna or otherwise that was fitting for so doing, however, occurred in his chagrin and the debacle of the cause of a server or a woman, or is it a measure to increase the vision, and the vigilance. The waterwheel: server saves people's money in secret, and was told cupboards and waterwheels trades and turnover of funds and the transfer of cases to travel.
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